
D - d

dad nʼahi
· ʔopʰo·yʼa
dance #kʰamʼa
· kʰamʼ/
· kʰamʼa
· kʰamʼa·ŋi
dance place kʰamʼa·hiy
dance repeatedly kʰamʼkʰamʼ/
dance! kʰamʼ
dance's kʰamʼin
danced kʰamʼtʰin
· kʰamʼši
danced for each other kʰamʼištʰiwšaš
danced for x kʰamʼšitʰši
danced repeatedly kʰamʼkʰamʼši
dancer kʰamʼa·ʔačʼ
· kʰamʼa·ʔačʼ/
· kʰamʼaʔčʼi
· kʰamʼaʔčʼiŋ
dancer's kʰamʼaʔčʼin
dancing kʰamʼ
dare #yušu
dared yušši
daring yo·šayiš
dark niyʔinši
dative case -aŋ
· -iŋ
· -oŋ
· -ŋi
· -ŋu
daughter ʔaxta
· ʔa·xit
· ʔa·xit/
daughter's.children ṭʰačʰʔaši
daughter-in-law ʔunmit
daughters ʔaxe·ti
· ʔaxe·ti/
dawn tʰawin
day after tomorrow xunutʰaw
day before yesterday xunutʰaw
day, days, sun ʔopʰot/
· ʔopʰoʔtoʔ
days ʔupʰithat
dead tʰawaʔṭʰa
dead older brother nipečʼmam/
· nipečʼmamŋi
dead people šoxinča
dear older brother ne·pačʼiyʼ
dear older sister naʔtʰaš
death #tʰa·waṭʰ
· tʰawṭʰaš
· tʰawṭʰuŋiṭʰ
deceased doctor ʔaŋuṭʰmam
deceased father natʰitʰmam
· natʰitʰmam/
· natʰitʰmamŋi
deceased father's brother kʰomotsam
deceased grandfather ʔe·nʼasam
· ʔinʼasmam
deceased grandmother ṭuṭayʼmam
deceased husband yiwʼenčʼam
deceased maternal grandmother ṭʰuṭʰayʼmam
deceased maternal uncle ʔa·kušmam
deceased mother nuʔummam
deceased mother's sister mokʰoymam
deceased older brother nipečʼmam
· nipičʼmam
deceased older brother's nipečʼmamin
deceased older sister naʔutʰmam
deceased paternal grandmother papʼumam
deceased son-in-law napʰutʰmam
deceased wife yiwʼanamam
deceased younger brother niʔismam
deceased younger sister nuʔutʼmam
decedent -am
· -mam
decorate ʔoče·yi/
decorate for someone! ʔuče·yišta
decorate, decoration wičʰey/
decorated ʔuče·yiš
decorated by ʔoče·yiŋiṭʰ
decorated by x ʔočeyʔonʼo
decorating ʔočo·yitʰa
· ʔuče·yit
decoration wičʰeyŋi
· ʔočoy
deer hoy
· xoy
· xoy/
· xoyo
deergrass čʼakiš/
demand ʔahaṭʰ
deseased father's sister kʼawiyšam
desiderative -hačʰin
· -hočʰin
· -hčʰin
· -čʰin
design ʔočay
· ʔočoy
design, decoration ʔočoy/
devil, evil spirit hiṭʼwa·yoʔ
diaper kuyat/
· kuyta
diarrea plant or vine həpʰiʔin pitekʼtuŋičʼ
diarrhea plant pʼitʼatʼ
diarrhea vine pʼitʼatʼ
dice for game huwočʰ
dice game huwčʰuwiš
did sink teʔe·ši
die #tʰa·waṭʰ
· šo·xunšu
die, death tʰawaṭʰat
different hunʼayʼ
· hunʼayʼiw
· niwatwaš
· niwit/
· niwti
different, another niwit
difficult tʰutayʼiš
dig ʔotʰit/
dig a hole #ṭʰutikʼ
dig a hole! ṭʰutikʼ
dig roots #ho·pʰut
digging ʔotʰtat
· ʔotʰtuŋiṭʰ
digging roots hopʰtat
· hopʰutʔun
digging stick čʼapʰoy
· čʼapʰoy/
· šitʰitičʼ/
digging sticks čʼapʰoyhat
diminutive -yʼa
· -ʔa
diminutive plural -hačʼ
dinner toŋtʰum
· toŋtʰum/
· toŋtʰuma
dipper basket xa·luʔ
dirt moṭʰakʼ
· tiŋit
· tiŋta
· tiŋtaŋ
dirt's tiŋtan
dirt, soil tiŋit/
dirts tiŋithat
dirts, pile of dirt tiŋithay
dirty moṭʰokʼ
· muṭʰikʼna
· muṭʰkʼinši
disappear #yʼa·ma
· kʼamo·/
disappear! yʼam
disappeared kʼamo·nutʰ
dish la·tuʔ
distributive -at
· -i-
· -ʼ...a
ditch šaŋxa
dive ʔɨlɨkʰwiti/
dive! ʔɨlɨkʰwiy
divide #ču·ʔup
· čoʔpat
do what where hawtaw
do what with hawtiŋ
do what's hawtin
do what? hawit
· hawit/
· hawti
do! -wiy
· -wuy
doctor #pʰe·sa
· #tʼoyox
· tʼoyxo
· ʔaŋuṭʰwa
· ʔaŋuṭʰwaŋ
· ʔaŋṭʰuw
· ʔaŋṭʰuw/
doctor place tʼoyoxʔiy/
doctor repeatedly! tʼoyoxto
doctor repetitively tʼoyoxto/
doctor themselves tʼoyoxwišat
doctor will cut wə·xɨn
doctor! pʰe·sa
· tʼuyux
doctor's ʔaŋuṭʰwun
doctored pʰesši
· tʼuyixši
doctoring pʰisa·ʔat
doctoring feather wača·mʼi
doctoring place tʼoyoxʔiy
· tʼoyoxʔiy
doctoring wand wačamʼ
doctoring wand made of a feather wačamʼ/
doctors ʔaŋṭʰaw
· ʔaŋṭʰawhi
· ʔaŋṭʰawhiŋ
· ʔaŋṭʰawi
· ʔaŋṭʰawi/
· ʔaŋṭʰiwha
doctors' ʔaŋṭʰawhin
· ʔaŋṭʰawhiʔin
dog čʰə·šaš
· čʰə·šaš/
· čʰə·šašiw
· čʼə·šašiw
dog's čʰə·šašin
dog's bark wahwah
doing wita
· wittʰa
doing something, someplace, something wita/
domestic goose kušaš
done #sisi
· se·siš
done, ripened se·sasis
· sisši
door ʔaṭʰatʔiy
· ʔuṭʰuti
dove šo·wʼin
· ʔupʰyeyyi/
· ʔupʰyeyyiw
· ʔupʰyeyyiʔ
· ʔɨlɨkʰwitši
down ʔatit
· ʔatit/
· ʔatithat
· ʔattin
· ʔatʼit
down (feather) čʰa·yʼiʔ
downhill patuw
downstream patuw
drank ʔukunšu
dream ʔaŋaṭʰwat
· ʔaŋaṭʰwat/
dreaming ʔaŋaṭʰwattʰa
· ʔaŋṭʰat
dreamt ʔaŋaṭʰwatši
dress kʰinipʰ/
· kʰinpʰa
dress, skirt kʰinipʰ
dressed kʰinipʰši
· wistilaʔ
· wistilin
dresses kʰine·pʰi
dressing kʰinpʰat
dried šeyamunšu
· šiyamunšiw
· šiymanšu
drink #ʔukun
· ʔukna
· ʔuknaŋ
· ʔukun/
drink! ʔukun
drinking ʔokʰnat
· ʔukʰnat
drip ṭʼuyʼ/
· ṭʼuyʼwiti/
drip faster! ṭʼuyʼwit
drip over and over! ṭʼuyʼṭʼuyʼwuy
drip repeatedly ṭʼuyʼṭʼuyʼwiti/
drip slowly ṭʼu·yʼ
· ṭʼu··yʼwit
dripped ṭʼuyʼwitši
driven away ho·šiš
driving away ho·šitʰa
drop pukʼwiti/
drop! pukʼwit
drop, fall #kono
dropped konšu
· kune·ʔaš
· kʰontaš
· kʰontoš
dropping kʰontotʰo
drops, falls kune·ʔat
drown #tʼoŋon
drowned tʼoŋunšu
drunk wulatʰitʰa
· wulaṭʰiʔičʼ
drunkard ʔukṭʼuṭʼun
dry šiyam/
· šiymanutʰa
drying šiymana
· šiymat
dual -akʼ
· -ikʼ
· -k
· -kʰ
· -kʼ
dubitative -at
· -ot
duck hayanʼa
· hayʼenʼaʔ
dug a hole ṭʰutikʼši
dug roots hopʰutšu
dull ʔamhaŋačʰ
durative -0
· -tʰa·
durative aorist -aš
· -iš
· -oš
· -tʰaš
· -ʔaš
durative passive -aŋiṭʰ
· -oŋiṭʰ
durative present -at
· -it
· -ot
· -tʰa
· -tʰo
· -ʔat
