
Y - y

-ya   afx. causative inchoative. Morph: causative inchoative.

yakʰaw   n. rock. tʰaw yow pukʼši yakʰaw ʔočeyʔonʼo There she also found a decorated rock. underlying form: yakʰaw/ -0. Morph: nominative and accusative case. Variant: yʼakʰaw.

yakʰaw/   n-theme. rock. nominative: yakʰaw. accusative: yakʰaw. genitive: yakʰawin. dative: yakʰawaŋ. ablative: yakʰawinitʰ. locative: yakʰawaw. Pl: yakʰiwhat.

yakʰawaŋ   n. rock. yakʰawaŋ naʔ ka·to ṭʰokʰši I hit the cat with a rock. underlying form: yakʰaw/ -aŋ. Morph: dative case.

yakʰawaw   n. on the rock. yakʰawaw tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ xɨpʼxɨpʼwittʰa They rub it repeatedly on a rock. underlying form: yakʰaw/ -aw. Morph: locative case.

yakʰawin   n. rock's. underlying form: yakʰaw/ -in. Morph: genitive case.

yakʰawinitʰ   n. away from the rock. underlying form: yakʰaw/ -initʰ. Morph: ablative case.

yakʰiwhat   n. rocks, gravel. yakʰiwhat ṭʰaʔaṭʰi rock people. underlying form: yakʰaw/ -hat. Morph: plural.

yakʼ   prn. you two! tuy yakʼ You two eat! ʔukun yakʼ You two drink! Morph: dual imperative pronoun.

yamxa   n. Turkey mullein. Eremocarpus setigerus. Note: leaves are used to stupify fish

yanʼ   prn. you-all. tuy yanʼ You all eat! ʔukun yanʼ You all drink! ʔepʰ yanʼ You all swim! Morph: plural imperative pronoun.

yawatyiš   v. was following. underlying form: yawtiy/ -iš. Morph: durative aorist.

yawatyit   v. following. underlying form: yawtiy/ -0. Morph: durative present.

yawa·tit   v. follows. ʔamaʔ tʰašti hiṭʼwa·yoʔ yawa·tit tʰaw tʰihinʼ ʔam to·čoxin Then the evil spirit follows them if they don't get scared. underlying form: #yawat -it. Morph: durative present.

yawa·tiy   v. will follow. underlying form: yawtiy/ -0. Morph: furture.

yawa·tiyʔičʼ   n. one who follows. underlying form: yawtiy/ -ʔičʼ. Morph: neutral agentive nominative case.

yawitʔiy   n. place where people follow. underlying form: yawtiy/ -ʔiy. Morph: consequent adjunctive.

yawta   n. yard. tʰe·ʔašištʰin yawta He will clean the yard. underlying form: ya·wit/ -a. Morph: accusative case.

yawtančʰi   n. tribe name (Yawdanchi). Morph: nominative case.

yawtaw   n. brush, grass. underlying form: ya·wit/ -aw. Morph: locative case.

yawtay   n. following. ʔoho·ʔot naʔ nim yawtay I want to follow. underlying form: yawtiy/ -0. Morph: neutral verbal noun accusative case.

yawtiš   v. followed. underlying form: #yawat -iš. Morph: aorist. See: yawtiyši.

yawtiy   v. follow! underlying form: yawtiy/ -0. Morph: imperative.

yawtiy/   v-theme. follow. aorist: yawtiyši. future: yawa·tiy. imperative: yawtiy. durative present: yawatyit. durative aorist: yawatyiš. precative gerunidal: yawtiyʔaš. neutral agentive: yawa·tiyʔičʼ. consequent adjunctive: yawitʔiy. neutral verbal noun: yawtay. Note: Related language Yawelmani yawa·l

yawtiyši   v. followed. wa·ʔaʔ tʰaŋ yawtiyši She followed her for a long time. underlying form: yawtiy/ -ši. Morph: aorist. See: yawtiš.

yawtiyʔaš   v. let x follow. yawtiyʔaš nan ʔan Let him follow me. underlying form: yawtiy/ -ʔaš. Morph: precative gerundial.

ya·wit   n. grass. underlying form: ya·wit/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

ya·wit/   n-theme. grass, brush, yard. nominative: ya·wit. accusative: yawta. locative: yawtaw. Note: Related language Yawelmani ya·wil

ya·xa   n. gopher snake. underlying form: ya·xa/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

ya·xa/   n-theme. gopher snake, water snake. nominative: ya·xa. genitive: ya·xin.

ya·xin   n. gopher snakes'. ya·xin ʔočay gopher snakes' design. underlying form: ya·xa/ -in. Morph: genitive case.

yetʼ   n. one. yetʼ yow pʰoŋya ʔan ʔopʰšiw one or two months.

yetʼ/   n-theme. one. nominative: yetʼ. accusative: yetʼa. locative: yetʼaw. Note: Related languages Yawelamni yetʼ Chukchansi yetʼ (NAS)

yetʼmil   n. one thousand. yetʼmil no·nipʰ šentu čʼutipʰiy one thousand nine hundred six. underlying form: yetʼ/ mil. Morph: nominative case 'one' and a spanish borrowed word {mil} 'thousandʼ.

ye·čʼam   n. eleven. Morph: multiplicative gerundial.

ye·tʰaw   prt. with, together, at one. ye·tʰaw ʔopʰoʔtoʔ tʰanwita witši naʔ tʰa ʔanikʼ tʰahan hitew tʰan tʰaw One day he said, soon I will go to where they go. Variant: ye·tʼaw.

ye·tʼa   n. one. underlying form: yetʼ/ -a. Morph: accusative case.

ye·tʼaw   prt. together. ye·tʼaw tihikʼ kʰamši They danced with each other. tʰanaʔaš naʔ tʰaŋ ye·tʼaw I went with him. nahni tʰihinʼ ha·ʔatʰaw čʼitʼatʼ to·yatiy tʰa·ŋi ye·tʼaw yow we·ʔi hučenʼaw yičʼŋa tʰaŋ to·yatiy Sometimes they eat it together with clover or whatever or they eat it like that alone. Variant: ye·tʰaw.

ye·tʼaw kʼaw   prt. next. ʔamaʔ ye·tʼaw kʼaw yow toyonʼow ʔamaʔ tʰaw nan yow tuse·ʔat ʔan ʔɨtəm And the next night he tells me his story again. ʔamaʔ ye·tʼaw kʼaw yow kʼote·yit tʰaw tʰan And on the next day he did not wait to go there again.

ye·wʼinšu   v. married. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -šu. Morph: aorist.

yičʼŋa   prt. alone. xo·now naʔ yičʼŋa xoʔoʔ I will always live alone. yičʼŋa naʔ kʰamʼši I danced alone. nahni tʰihinʼ ha·ʔatʰaw čʼitʼatʼ to·yatiy tʰa·ŋi ye·tʼaw yow we·ʔi hučenʼaw yičʼŋa tʰaŋ to·yatiy Sometimes they eat it together with clover or whatever or they eat it like that alone. Variant: yičʼŋin.

yičʼŋin   prt. alone. yičʼŋin naʔ tʰaw ṭʰanši I went there alone. Morph: adverbial particle.

-yin   afx. genitive. Morph: genitive.

yipe·tʰa   n. lips. See: Yaw ye·piṭʼ Chuk yepe·čʼil (NAS).

yipyepʰuṭʼ   n. lips. See: Yaw ye·piṭʼ Chuk yepe·čʼil (NAS).

yitʼan   v. once, first. wɨxnat witʰep nim nʼahi yitʼan tʰaŋ ʔamaʔ čʰan ʔə·kʼaš My dad was very young and only saw it once. underlying form: #yitʼin. Morph: unique form. See: Chuk ye·čʼat (NAS).

yitʼsaw   n. Friday.

yitʼšam   v. five times, fifteen. Variant: yitʼšat.

yitʼšamiw   n. on the fifteenth. ʔə·kʼa naʔaʼ mam hiʔ yitʼšamiw xeʔan ʔupʰšin See you on the fifteenth of the month. underlying form: yitʼiš -ʼ...am -iw. Morph: multiplicative gerundial locative case.

yitʼšat   v. five times, fifth. underlying form: #yitʼiš -ʼ...it. Morph: multiplicative gerundial. Variant: yitʼšam.

yitʼšiŋit   n. five. Cecile saying the same word Morph: nominative case. Note: Related languages Yawelmani yicʼinil Chukchansi yitšilʼ (NAS)

yitʼšiŋit ṭʼiyew   n. fifteen.

yitʼšiŋta   n. five. ho·wiʔ mine·ṭʼit witʰiphat nahni yetʼ pʼaʔanʼa poŋoy pʼaʔanʼa yow nahni čʰawpʰaw yitʼšiŋta ʔanikʼ tʰaŋ tuytaŋiṭʰ ʔanikʼ tʰaw witʔin hiyam to·yatiy ʔamaʔ hetʰtʰa yow mine·ṭʼit Yes, they nurse their babies sometimes one year, two years, or sometimes continuously for five years they feed them even if the are already eating they still nurse them.

yitʼyitʼnʼiʔin   v. one at a time. yitʼyitʼnʼiʔin tʰaŋ tʰantaš C:\Linguistic data\wiksp\He took one at a time.wav. underlying form: #yitʼin -ʼ...a -ʔin. Morph: distributive resultative gerundial.

yitʼyitʼŋi   v. one by one, one at a time. yitʼyitʼŋi ʔan to·yatiy He's eating them one at a time. underlying form: yitʼyitʼ -ŋi. Morph: repetitive singular object dative case.

yitʼyitʼšiʔin   v. five at a time. underlying form: #yitʼiš -ʼ...a -ʔin. Morph: distributive resu;tative gerundial.

yiwʼanamam   n. deceased wife. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -mam. Morph: decedent.

yiwʼananʼa   n. married man. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -anʼa. Morph: passive verbal noun.

yiwʼanta   v. marry more than once! underlying form: yiwʼin/ -ta -0. Morph: repetitive imperative.

yiwʼanʼačʼa   n. married woman. underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ --ʔ...anʼa -a. Morph: neutral agentive passive verbal noun.

yiwʼenčʼam   n. deceased husband. underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ/ -am. Morph: decedent.

yiwʼenčʼi   n. husband. ʔamaʔ mukʼiš tʰa xa·yaxiy yiwʼenčʼi ʔan hawtin maʔan tʰašti ho·yihiy naʔan hutaw hoyhiya ʔamaʔ hiʔ tʰaxin ʔamaʔ tʰaŋ hiʔ tʼuyo·na ʔamaʔ makʼ tʰaŋ hiʔ tuyo·na taŋtʰuman Then the woman said to her husband: why don't you call them all the same way and and they will come and we can shoot them and eat them for supper. underlying form: yiwe·ničʼ/ -i. Morph: accusative case.

yiwʼenčʼin   n. husband's. underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ/ -in. Morph: genitive case.

yiwʼentʰin   v. was married. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -tʰin. Morph: passive gerundial.

yiwʼe·ničʼ   n. husband. ʔamaʔ ʔan yiwʼe·ničʼ maxši ʔan tatpʰa ʔamaʔ yow sikʰtʰa ʔamaʔ tʰašti hoyo·ši And her husband got his bow and his arrows then he called them all. underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

yiwʼe·ničʼ/   n-theme. husband. nominative: yiwʼe·ničʼ. accusative: yiwʼenčʼi. genitive: yiwʼenčʼin. acquisitive: yiwʼničʼnaš. passive verbal noun: yiwʼanʼačʼa. acquisitive: yiwʼničʼnat. acquisitive: yiwʼničʼna·tʰa. acquisitive: yiwʼničʼnaŋiṭʰ. decendent: yiwʼenčʼam. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -ičʼ. Morph: neutral agentive of yiwʼin 'to marryʼ.

yiwʼin   n. wife. yiwʼin naʔ I am married. yetʼ waṭʰačʼi kʰuṭʼun ʔamaʔ ʔan yow yiwʼin ʔamaʔ tʰihikʼ pʰaʔṭʰawtʰawši One waksachi man and his wife were fighting with one another. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -0. Morph: nominative case of yiwʼin/ 'to marry'.

yiwʼin   v. marry!

yiwʼin/   v-theme. marry. imperative: yiwʼin. aorist: ye·wʼinšu. medio-passive: yiwʼniʔnaš. passive gerundial: yiwʼentʰin. neutral agentive: yiwe·ničʼ. passive verbal noun: yiwʼananʼa. decendent: yiwʼanamam. neutral verbal noun: yiwʼin/. repetitive: yiwanta.

yiwʼin/   n-theme. wife. nominative: yiwʼin. accusative: yiwʼna. acquisitive: yiwʼnʼina·tʰa. decendent: yiwʼanmam.

yiwʼna   n. wife. ʔamaʔ ʔan yiwʼna kʼačʼawaŋ ṭʰumši Then he covered his wife with a basket. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -a. Morph: accusative case.

yiwʼničʼnaŋiṭʰ   v. getting married, acquiring a husband. yiwʼničʼnaŋiṭʰ naʔ nim ʔoho·ʔot I want to get married. underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ/ -na -ŋiṭʰ. Morph: acquistive predicated gerundial.

yiwʼničʼnaš   v. married. yiwʼničʼnaš naʔ tʰaŋ I married him. underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ/ -na -aš. Morph: acquisitive durative aorist.

yiwʼničʼnat   v. getting married. čʰa naʔ yiwʼničʼnat I am going to get married. (Soon I am acquiring a husband). underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ/ -na -t. Morph: acquisitive future.

yiwʼničʼna·tʰa   v. get married, marrying. ʔamaʔ hawtaw tʰihinʼ yiwʼničʼna·tʰa When they get married. underlying form: yiwʼe·ničʼ/ -na -tʰa. Morph: acquisitive durative present.

yiwʼniʔnaš   v. was married by. underlying form: yiwʼin/ -in -aš. Morph: medio-passive durative aorist.

yokʼučʼ   n. leg. Note: consultant also indicates this is the word for inner thigh Note: Related languages Yawelmani yokocʼ 'people' Chukchansi yukʰočʼ 'Indian'

yow   prt. again, and, or, also. ʔamaʔ yow hoyo·ši ʔamaʔ yow yetʼ yow tʰaxinši ʔamaʔ tʰaŋ yow tʼuyšu Again he called and again it came and again he shot it. hičʰa nan yow pʼinʼe·na It might sting me. yowwe·ʔi or sometime. Note: Related languages Yawelmani yow Chukchansi yoʔ (NAS)

yowwe·ʔi   prt. sometimes. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ kačʰyat tʼepʰna yowwe·ʔi ha·ʔatʰaw Then they mix it with acorn mush or sometimes with whatever. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ tɨʔɨsšat tʰiwin yowwe·ʔi toppolin čʼutya And they made it from cottontail or sometimes jackrabbit skin.

yo·šayiš   v. daring. underlying form: #yušu -0. Morph: durative present.

yukʼon   v. washed by. underlying form: #yukʼo -on. Morph: medio-passive.

yukʼonon   v. wash. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ witʔin yukʼonʼon They will wash right now. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ witʔin yukʼonon And they will wash it right away. underlying form: #yukʼo -on -on. Morph: medio-passive future.

yukʼotwušat   v. wash themselves. ʔamaʔ tʰaw tʰihinʼ yukʼotwušat tʰihinʼ witʔin xo·ʔoxiʔ And then they wash themselves and get up right away. underlying form: #yukʼo -t -wiš -at. Morph: plural reflexive-reciprocal durative present.

yukʼo·ʔot   v. washing, leaching. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ yukʼo·ʔot Then they leach it. yukʼo·ʔot tʰihinʼ ʔan ṭʰumkʼaŋ ʔaypʰun ʔitkʼaŋ ʔotʼyit They leach their {flour} by first putting warm water on it. Note: The verb wash is used here in the sense of leaching through a strainer. underlying form: #yukʼo -at. Morph: durative present.

yuše·na   v. will dare. underlying form: #yušu -i·na. Morph: future.

yušši   v. dared. underlying form: #yušu -ši. Morph: aorist.

yuwʼe·kʰat   n. tribe name (yuwekat).

yuwʼkʼe·ʔaš   v. went home. ʔamaʔ xi ṭʰaʔaṭʰi wɨxe·ʔaš yow kʼumuy ʔanikʼ yuwʼkʼe·ʔaš ʔamaʔ tʰa ʔitikʼ hetʰtʰa xo·ʔoxiʔ tʰaw pʼaʔanʼa And these people increased and all of them went to their homes and the water is still there under the land. Note: Related langauge Yawelmani yo·wo to go home

yuʔtu   n. others. tʰa·nitʰ nan pohuṭʰšu no·nipʰ naʔan yuʔtu witʰiphačʼ Nine of us children grew up from there.

yuʔut   prt. uncertain. naʔ tʰaw yuʔut witacʰinat I want to do something (but not sure what). kamʼa·ŋi naʔ yuʔut wakʼayčʰinat I am thinking about wanting to give a dance (but I am uncertain about it). naʔ tʰaŋ yuʔut hutʰo·mat I was going to pull it up (but wasn't sure).

-yʼ   afx. inclusive plural. Morph: first person plural inclusive.

-yʼa   afx. diminutive. Morph: diminutive.

yʼam   v. erase!, disappear! yʼam min xiŋ šə·pʰa erase your writing. yʼam makʼ Let's go! (disappear! you and I). underlying form: #yʼa·ma -0. Morph: imperative.

yʼamʼo   n. one who dissapears. ʔaŋṭawhi yʼamʼo doctors who disappear. underlying form: #yʼa·ma -ʔo. Morph: consequent agentive nominative case.

yʼa·minši   v. erased, disappeared. underlying form: #yʼa·ma -in -ši. Morph: medio-passive aorist.
