
X - x

xamʼamʼ   n. rib. Note: Related langauges Yawelmani xa·maṭʼ Chukchansi xamačʼ

xappas   n. ashes.

xappʰat   n. toes.

xapʰo·taš   v. was hot. hiyam xapʰo·taš It's getting hot. hiyam xapʰo·taš ṭʰiʔ The house is getting hot. underlying form: xapʰu·t/ -aš. Morph: durative aorist.

xapʰo·tašiw   v. when it gets hot. xapʰo·tašiw ʔan When it's hot. underlying form: xapʰu·t/ -a -šiw. Morph: non-directive gerundial.

xapʰo·tat   v. will be hot. čʰanʼiʔ xapʰo·tat It will be hot soon. underlying form: xapʰu·t/ -a -t. Morph: inchoative future.

xapʰo·tati   n. hot ones. underlying form: xapʰut/ -at -i. Morph: plural accusative case.

xapʰtaŋ   n. with the heat. underlying form: xapʰut/ -aŋ. Morph: dative case.

xapʰtiw   n. hot place. xapʰtiw ʔitkʼaŋ tɨʔɨs Make water at the hot place! ʔamaʔ maʔ tʰaŋ ṭʼə·waṭʼiw xapʰtiw ʔitkʼaw Then you soak it in hot water. underlying form: xapʰut/ -iw. Morph: locative case.

xapʰtu   n. hot. xapʰtu tʰihinʼ to·yatiy yow ʔokʰnat They eat and drink hot things. underlying form: xapʰut/ -u. Morph: accusative case.

xapʰut   n. hot. wa·wʼaw xapʰut wɨxnat It's was hot yesterday. xapʰut he·či It's hot today. ṭʰiʔ xi xapʰut This house is hot. ṭʰiʔ tʰa xapʰut. That house is hot. underlying form: xapʰut/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

xapʰut/   n-theme. hot. nominative: xapʰut. accusative: xapʰtu. locative: xapʰtiw. dative: xapʰtaŋ. causative inchoative: xapʰutya/. Pl: xapʰo·tati.

xapʰutya/   v-theme. make hot. future: xapʰutyat. passive future: xapʰutyaŋiṭʰ. underlying form: xapʰut/ -ya. Morph: causative inchoative.

xapʰutyaŋiṭʰ   v. will be made hot. hičʰa yakʰaw xapʰut xapʰutyaŋitʰ If they have a hot rock, they will make something hot. underlying form: xapʰutya/ -ŋiṭʰ. Morph: passive future.

xapʰutyat   v. will make it hot. underlying form: xapʰutya/ -t. Morph: future.

xapʰu·t/   v-theme. to be hot. durative aorist: xapʰo·taš. durative: xa·pʰutatʰa. future: xapʰo·tat. non-directive gerundial: xapʰo·tašiw. neutral verbal noun: xaput/. Note: Related languages Yawelmani kʼapit Chukchansi xapʼe·latʰ

xaxyʼo   afx. saying. ʔamaʔ haʔ hiča ʔan xaxyʼo tʰaxnat mayʼwa pasyalit And what might he be saying: we all are coming to visit. underlying form: xa·xiy/ ʼ...0. Morph: continuative.

xayin   v. will talk. underlying form: #xa·ya -in.

xa·luʔ   n. dipper basket, cup basket. Morph: nominative case. See: Yaw tuṭʼu 'dip bread in soup' Chuk lalitʰ 'dip' (NAS).

xa·ŋi   prt. here.

xa·pʰutatʰa   v. is hot. underlying form: xapʰu·t/ -a -tʰa. ha·pʰutatʰa he·či it's hot today.

xa·tʼaxitʼ   v. stiching, working basket materials. ʔamaʔ maʔ tʰaŋ mitʼačʰ ʔačʼew xa·tʼaxitʼ Then you stitch it slightly closer. underlying form: #xatʼa -0. Morph: durative present.

xa·xiy   v. talk. ʔamaʔ ṭʼuxit xa·xiy ʔam ʔinšiš ʔanikʼ pʰuṭʰo·ŋa witʔin xoʔen And eagle said: It's no good, they can't live with hands like that. underlying form: #xa·ya -0. Morph: repetitive.

xa·xiy/   v-theme. say. imperative: xa·xiy. durative present: xa·xiyat. neutral verbal noun: xa·xiyat. continuative: xaxyʼo. underlying form: #xa·ya -0. Morph: repetitive.

xa·xiyat   v. talking, saying. naʔ xa·xiyat I'm saying. underlying form: xa·xiy/ -at. Morph: durative present.

xa·xiyat   n. language. underlying form: xa·xiy/ -at -0. Morph: durative present nominative case.

xa·yat   v. might talk. underlying form: #xa·ya -at. Morph: dubitative.

xa·yaxiy   v. talking. pʰapʰ nim xa·yaxiy He was saying to my grandmother. underlying form: #xa·ya -0. Morph: durative present--this durative form normally assumes a base form of #xaya rather than #xa·ya.

xetxiʔ   int-prn. which. xetxiʔ maʔ tʰaŋ ṭʰaṭʰaši Which of you two broke it? Note: Related language Chukchansi hiliʔsiʔ (NAS)

xeṭʰwʼaš   v. getting angry. underlying form: #xiṭʰiwʼ -aš. Morph: durative aorist.

xeṭʰwʼat   v. is angry. underlying form: #xiṭʰiwʼ -at. Morph: durative present.

xew   dem-prn. this (... here). xew naʔ tʰanši I went to this place. ʔamaʔ tʰaŋ tʰihinʼ ʔotʼyit xew ʔanikʼ kʰulša tɨʔɨsšaw And they put it there when they make a cross. underlying form: xi·/ -w. Morph: locative case.

xewtʰaw   prt. that's how. Morph: a particle which appears to be a compound of locative case demonstrative pronouns xew and tʰaw.

xeʔan   dem-prn. this one's. underlying form: xi·/ -an. Morph: singular genitive case.

xe·nitʰ   dem-prn. this (away from ...) tʰanši naʔ xe·nitʰ kʰamʼaʔčʼinitʰ I walked away from the dancer. underlying form: xi·/ -nitʰ. Morph: ablative case.

xe·ŋi   dem-prn. with (about ...) underlying form: xi·/ -ŋi. Morph: dative case.

xəxəčʰ   n. saliva. Variant: həxəč.

xi   dem-prn. this. xi ʔan tʰa ʔo·šutʰ This is the one he stole. underlying form: xi·/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

ximamaw   prt. right there. ximamaw hiʔ točoxni He will be scared. tuy ximamaw hiʔ ʔošŋuṭʰ C:\Linguistic data\wiksp\That food is going to be stolen.wav.

xiŋ   dem-prn. this. ʔə·kʼaš naʔ xiŋ poŋya I saw these two. ʔamaʔ tʰaŋ xiŋ tamna·tʰa ʔošaʔ naʔ tʰaŋ təʔsat And I am trying to make this, to make a bottleneck basket. underlying form: xi·/ -ŋ. Morph: accusative case.

xišakʼ   dem-prn. these two. underlying form: xi·/ -š -akʼ -0. Morph: non-singular dual nominative case.

xišakʼhat   dem-prn. these two all. underlying form: xi·/ -š -akʼ -hat. Morph: non-singular dual plural.

xišanʼ   dem-prn. these. underlying form: xi·/ -š -anʼ. Morph: non-singular plural nominative case.

xiška   dem-prn. these two. underlying form: xi·/ -š -k -a. Morph: non-singular dual accusative case.

xiškanitʰ   dem-prn. these two (away from ...) underlying form: xi·/ -š -kʼ -anitʰ. Morph: non-singular dual ablative case.

xiškaŋ   dem-prn. these two (with ...) underlying form: xi·/ -š -kʼ -aŋ. Morph: non-singular dual dative case.

xiškaw   dem-prn. these two (to ...) underlying form: xi·/ -š -kʼ -aw. Morph: non-singular dual locative case.

xiškin   dem-prn. these two's. underlying form: xi·/ -š -k -in. Morph: non-singular dual genitive case.

xišta   dem-prn. these. underlying form: xi·/ -š -t -a. Morph: non-singular plural accusative.

xištanitʰ   dem-prn. these all (away from ...) underlying form: xi·/ -š -t -anitʰ. Morph: non-singular plural ablative case.

xištaŋ   dem-prn. these all (with ...) underlying form: xi·/ -š -t -aŋ. Morph: non-singular plural dative case.

xištaw   dem-prn. these all (to ...) underlying form: xi·/ -š -t -aw. Morph: non-singular plural locative case.

xištin   dem-prn. these's. underlying form: xi·/ -š -t -in. Morph: non-singular plural genitive case.

xiṭʰaʼwʼa   n. cranky. underlying form: #xiṭʰiwʼ -ʔ...a. Morph: consequent agentive.

xiṭʰe·wʼita   v. make angry. tʰa nan hiṭʰe·wʼita That makes me mad. underlying form: #xiṭʰiwʼ -ta. Morph: causative.

xiṭʰiwʼ   v. will get angry. underlying form: #xiṭʰiwʼ -0. Morph: future.

xiṭʰiwʼši   v. got angry, getting mad. underlying form: #xiṭʰiwʼ -ši. Morph: aorist.

xi·/   prn-theme. this. singular nominative: xi. singular accusative: xiŋ. singular genitive: xeʔan. singular dative: xe·ŋi. singular ablative: xe·nitʰ. singular locative: xew. dual nominative: xišakʼ. dual accusative: xiška. dual genitive: xiškin. dual dative: xiškaŋ. dual ablative: xiškanitʰ. dual locative: xiškaw. plural nominative: xišanʼ. plural accusative: xišta. plural genitive: xištin. plural dative: xištaŋ. plural ablative: xištanitʰ. plural locative: xištaw. Morph: Demonstative pronoun xi·/ 'this' = that which is relatively near to the first person speaker.

xɨpʼə·hɨy   n. knife for scraping. Note: This knife is only used for preparing basket roots Morph: consequent adjunctive. See: #xɨpʼɨt 'take away' and xɨpʼwiti/ 'rub'.

xɨpʼɨtšɨ   v. took away. underlying form: #xɨpʼɨt -ši. Morph: aorist.

xɨpʼwit   n. rubbing motion. underlying form: xɨpʼwiti/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

xɨpʼwiti/   v-theme. rub, make a rubbing motion. aorist: xɨpʼwitši. retardative: xɨ·pʼwit. neutral verbal noun: xɨpʼwit.

xɨpʼwitši   v. rubbed. underlying form: xɨpʼwiti/ -ši. Morph: aorist.

xɨpʼxɨpʼwiti/   v-theme. rub repeatedly. durative present: xɨpʼxɨpʼwittʰa.

xɨpʼxɨpʼwittʰa   v. rubbing. yakʰawaw tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ xɨpʼxɨpʼwittʰa They rub it repeatedly on a rock. underlying form: #xɨpʼxɨpʼwiti -tʰa. Morph: durative present.

xɨ·pʼwit   v. rub slowly. underlying form: xɨpʼwiti/ -0. Morph: retardative.

xometʰwali   n. southerners. Morph: a unique plural form--refers to the Xometwali tribe.

xomotʰ   n. south. ʔamaʔ tʰanši tʰanši waʔ xomotʰ And she went and went far to the south. underlying form: xomotʰ/ -o. Morph: nominative case.

xomotʰ/   n-theme. south. nominative: xomotʰ. locative: xomotʰiw. Pl: xometʰwali. resident: xomtʰinʼin. Note: Related languages Yawelmani xomo·tʰiʔ Chukchansi xošo·moʔon

xomotʰiw   n. to the south. underlying form: xomotʰ/ -iw. Morph: locative case.

xomtʼinʼin   n. southerner. underlying form: xomotʰ/ -ʼ...inʼin. Morph: resident.

xošošit   v. painted. kʰamʼa·ʔačʼ xošošit ŋeʔwaw teyaw ʔan kʰamʼa ʔɨtkʰačʼi ʔan tʰaŋ xo·šoxiš The dancer painted at evening before his dancing, singers did the painting. underlying form: #xošo -šit. Morph: indirective.

xošowšit   v. painting oneself. underlying form: #xošo -wiš -it. Morph: reflexive-reciprocal durative present.

xotom   n. sweet clover. Note: Related language Yawelmani xolom

xotow   n. hard acorn bisquit. accusative: xotwoʔ.

xotow/   v-theme. hard acorn bisquit. nominative: xotow. accusative: xotwoʔ.

xoto·wot   v. making acorn bisquits. xoto·wot tʰa han tʰa ʔanikʼ pan They make hard acorn bisquits and that is their bread. underlying form: #xotow -at. Morph: durative present.

xotwoʔ   n. hard acorn bisquits. hawtaw ʔitkʼaw ʔaypʰun xotwoʔ ʔotʼyit šə·ʔačʰinšiw ʔan They cool when the bisquits are first put into the water. underlying form: xotow/ -a. Morph: accusative case.

xotʰuŋuṭʰ   n. gopher snake. Note: Related language Yawelmani ko·ṭʰo·niṭʰ

xotʼe·ʔat   v. rains. hawtaw xotʼe·ʔat ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ ṭʰo·moṭʰim When it rains then they cover it up. underlying form: #xotʼo -ʔat. Morph: durative present.

xotʼoʔoʔ   n. rain. underlying form: #xotʼo -ʔo -ʔ. Morph: consequent agentive absolutive. Variant: hotʼoʔo.

xotʼšiw   v. rain. tʰomoxšiw nimikʼ ʔam waštʰutʰa tʰanŋiṭʰ suyanhanŋeṭʰa wɨxnat ʔan xotʼšiw witʔin nimikʼ našuš ṭʰoŋa·ṭʰin yow šiymanuṭʰa nimikʼ tuyo·huy tʰomoxšiw In winter we couldn't go the store much because of the rain, that is why our mother canned and dried our winter food supply. underlying form: #xotʼo -šiw. Morph: non-directive gerundial.

xowʼočʰaʔ   n. hail. Variant: howʼaṭʼa. Note: Related languages Yawelmani xo·wiṭʰ Chukchansi xo·wis

xoy   n. deer. Variant: hoy.

xoy/   n-theme. deer. nominative: xoy. accusative: xoyo. Note: Related languages Yawelmani xoy Chukchansi xoyʼ (NAS)

xoyiš   v. attempted. ʔamaʔ tʰa ṭʼuxit tʰanta xoyiš kʰayʼwa ʔə·kʼaš tʰasti ṭʰaʔaṭʰi hawaʔtʰaʔ tʰihinʼ And the eagle sent coyote who attempted (to see) and saw how all those people were doing. underlying form: xoyo/ -iš. Morph: durative aorist.

xoyiwšiw   v. when returning. ʔə·kʼa naʔ mam hiʔ xoyiwšiw min I'll see you when you return. underlying form: #xoyow -šiw. Morph: non-directive gerundial.

xoyo   v. deer. čʰa naʔ hoyʼyit xoyo I am hunting deer, underlying form: xoy/ -0. Morph: accusative case.

xoyo/   v-theme. attempt. durative present: xo·yixiy. aorist: xoyiš. causative: xo·yiʔ. Note: Related language Yawelmani ʔoywis/ 'try, make an attempt'

xoyow/   n-theme. return. accusative: xoywo.

xoyowčʰinat   v. want to return. underlying form: #xoyow -čʰin -at. Morph: desiderative durative present.

xoyowʔiy   n. place to return something. underlying form: #xoyow -ʔiy. Morph: consequent adjunctive.

xoyo·wičʼ   n. returner. underlying form: #xoyow -ičʼ. Morph: neutral agentive nominative case.

xoyo·wiš   v. returning each other. underlying form: #xoyow -wiš. Morph: reflexive-reciprocal.

xoywo   n. returning. underlying form: xoyow/ -0. Morph: accusative case.

xoywoš   v. was returning. hiya·mʼaʔ nim našuš yow ʔan noʔotʼ čʼo·woŋṭʰinitʰ ʔan xoywoš Long ago my mother and her younger sister were returning from work. underlying form: #xoyow -aš. Morph: durative aorist.

xoywot   v. returning. underlying form: #xoyow -at. Morph: durative present.

xoʔ   v. be!, live!, sit!, get up! xoʔ xew Sit here! underlying form: xo·/ -ʔ. Morph: imperative.

xoʔe   n. living. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ puŋpiŋyʼiʔin tʰanši xoʔe niwatwašaw hitewtʰin xoʔoʔ And they went two at a time, living at different places that is where they will be. underlying form: xoʔe/ -0. Morph: accusative case.

xoʔe/   n-theme. live. nominative: xoʔen. accusative: xoʔe. neutral agentive: xoʔičʼ. underlying form: xo·/ -i. Morph: neutral verbal noun.

xoʔen   n. sitting, living. hawtaw nan kʼumuy yiwʼičʼnaš ʔamaʔ nan tʰiššiw nimikʼ tʰaw xoʔen yičʼŋa nimikʼ pahathay tʰaw xoʔo·xiʔ When we all got married then we left our living place and our parents lived there alone. underlying form: xoʔe/ -n. Morph: nominative case.

xoʔen   n. Sunday. underlying form: xoʔe/ -n. Morph: nominative case.

xoʔičʼ   n. chair. underlying form: xoʔe/ -ičʼ. Morph: neutral agentive.

xoʔohčʰinat   v. want to sit. xoʔohčʰinat naʔ I want to get up. underlying form: xo·/ -hčʰin -at. Morph: desiderative durative present.

xoʔot   v. might sit. hin tʰa naʔ naʔas xoʔot Might I sit? underlying form: xo·/ -at. Morph: dubitative.

xoʔotʰ   v. were. čʰan ʔačʼinʔiy xo·ʔotʰ yow tʰašti tʼuyšu Soon they were near and he shot them all. underlying form: xo·/ -otʰ. Morph: passive aorist.

xoʔoxʔoš   v. lived, existed, was getting up. ʔamaʔ ʔačʼew tʰaŋ yakʰaw xo·ʔoxoš pu·č'ičʼ kʼačʼaw And near the rock there was a small basket. hiyam naʔ xoʔoxʔoš I was getting up. ʔamaʔ xew xoʔoxʔoš ṭʼuxit yow kʰayʼiw And Eagle and coyote were living there. underlying form: xo·/ -o. Morph: durative aorist.

xoʔoʔ   v. will sit, will live, will get up, will be. xo·now naʔ yičʼŋa xoʔoʔ I will always live alone. čʰan naʔ xoʔoʔ I will get up. underlying form: xo·/ -ʔ. Morph: future.

xoʔoʔo   n. one who sat. tʰaw xoʔoʔo He was there all the time. underlying form: xo·/ -ʔ...a. Morph: consequent agentive nominative case.

xoʔo·hiy   n. chair, place for sitting. underlying form: xo·/ -ʔiy. Morph: consequent adjunctive nominative case.

xoʔo·ŋiṭʰ   v. will be seated. tʰaw hiʔ xoʔo·ŋiṭʰ He will be seated there. Note: Also means 'He will be there.' underlying form: xo·/ -ŋiṭʰ. Morph: passive future.

xoʔo·ši   v. sat, lived, have. hiyam naʔ xoʔo·ši I got up from bed. ʔačʼew naʔ kʰamʼaʔčʼi xoʔo·ši I sat down next to the dancer. ʔamaʔ wɨxnat šuyʼukʼ nahni xoʔo·ši yow ʔanikʼ hičʰa xo·ʔoxiʔ hantʰaw hapʰuy And it is very sour, sometimes if they have something sweet. underlying form: xo·/ -ši. Morph: aorist.

xoʔo·šitʰši   v. sat for someone, sat on something. underlying form: xo·/ -šitʰ -ši. Morph: indirective aorist.

xoʔo·to   v. make x sit. underlying form: xo·/ -to. Morph: causative.

xoʔo·xiʔ   v. sitting, living. xe·ŋi min yičʼŋa xoʔo·xiʔ about my living alone. ʔaŋaṭʰwat ʔan tʰaŋ hawaʔtʰa tomtʰow xoʔo·xiʔ Her dream told her that she was on the mountain. underlying form: xo·/ -0. Morph: durative present.

xoʔo·ʔočʼ   v. sitter. underlying form: xo·/ -ʔočʼ. Morph: neutral agentive nominative case.

xoʔo·ʔoš   v. let x sit. underlying form: xo·/ -ʔaš. Morph: precative gerundial.

xo·/   v-theme. be, live, sit. causative: xoʔo·to. indirective: xoʔo·šitʰši. durative present: xoʔo·xiʔ. durative aorist: xoʔoxʔoš. imperative: xoʔ. desiderative: xoʔohčʰinat. dubitative: xoʔot. passive aorist: xoʔotʰ. aorist: xoʔo·ši. future: xoʔoʔ. passive future: xoʔo·ŋiṭʰ. precative gerunidal: xoʔo·ʔoš. neutral verbal noun: xoʔe/. neutral agentive: xoʔo·ʔočʼ. consequent agentive: xoʔoʔo. consequent adjunctive: xoʔo·hiy. Morph: A monosyllabic verb theme treated essentially as a verb base (#xoʔo·).

xo·now   prt. always, all the time. xo·now ʔokʰnat He drank all the time. xo·now maʔ moyo·not Do you get tired often? Note: Related language Chukchansi holo·mun (NAS)

xo·šim   n. north. underlying form: xo·šim/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

xo·šim/   n-theme. north. nominative: xo·šim. resident: xušminʼin. Note: Rleated language Yawelmani xosim

xo·šoxiš   v. rubbing on, painted. kʰamʼa·ʔačʼ xošošit ŋeʔaw teyaw ʔan kʰamʼa ʔɨtkʰačʼi ʔan tʰaŋ xo·šoxiš The dancer painted at evening before his dancing, singers did the painting. underlying form: #xošo -0. Morph: durative.

xo·yixiy   v. attempting. underlying form: xoyo/ -0. Morph: durative present.

xo·yiʔ   v. make x attempt. xo·yiʔ tʰaŋ Make him attempt. xo·yiʔ tʰaŋ ʔamaʔ ʔamtin Make him help. (Make him attempt and he will help.) underlying form: xoyo/ -ʔ. Morph: causative imperative.

xo·ʔoxiʔ   v. alive, exist. tʰaw tʰihinʼ witʔin xo·ʔoxiʔ They are there already. ʔamaʔ hičʰaʔ xo·ʔoxiʔ ʔɨtə·mɨčʼ ʔamaʔ ʔətmat minikʼ ṭʼotšu toyonʼow And if they have a story teller then they tell stories while peeling at night. underlying form: xo·/ -0. Morph: durative present.

xumʼanʼa/   n-theme. abalone shell bead. nominative: xumʼanaʔ. Pl: xumʼunʼhat. Note: Related language Yawelmani xumʼnaʔ 'long beads made of bone, anything that is brittle'

xumʼanʼaʔ   n. abalone shell bead. underlying form: xumʼanʼa/ -ʔ. Morph: nominative case--absolutive.

xumʼunʼhat   n. abalone shell beads. underlying form: xumʼanʼa/ -hat. Morph: plural.

xunay   prt. superlative. Variant: xununnay.

xununnay   prt. superlative, comparative. xununnay tʰaw hiʔ wəʔə·ʔat I'ts going to get taller. he·či ʔupʰyiw xununnay tʰaw xapʰut Today is the hottest day of all. Variant: xunay.

xunutʰaw   prt. day after tomorrow, day before yesterday. Morph: Functions as a temporal adverb.

xunxutʰ   n. gopher. Variant: hunhutʰ.

xupʰa/   n-theme. willow limbs. dative: xupʰa·ŋi.

xupʰa·ŋi   n. willow limbs. ʔamaʔ tʰaw kʰuhuṭʼha·yin tʰatupʰ yow sikʰetʰ wičʰeyiʔhanʼa yow mukʼešhin hunʼayʼ xupʰa·ŋi tɨʔasanʼa ʔanikʼ ʔaxiʔčʰi And the men's cradleboard was decorated with bow and arrow there and the moen's were made with different willow limbs. underlying form: xupʰa/ -ŋi. Morph: dative case.

xuša·ʔat   v. rubbing on. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʔ tʰaŋ xuša·ʔat kʼumuy ʔan tʰišta·tʰa tiŋta yow ṭʼəʔčʰa They rub it all to get off its dirt and skin, underlying form: #xošo -ʔat. Morph: durative present.

xušminʼin   n. northerner. underlying form: xo·šim/ -inʼin. Morph: resident.

xutaʔšaš   v. was running. xutaʔšaš tumtin po·kʰit The mountain's spring was running. underlying form: #xutu -ʔaš -aš. Morph: precative gerundial durative aorist.

xutaʔšaw   n. running. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ ʔipʰa·ʔat čʼičʼkʼaw ʔitkʼaw xutaʔšaw They bathe in cold running water. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ ʔipʰa·ʔat xutaʔšaw ʔitkʼaw Then they swim in water. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ ʔipʰa·ʔat ʔitkʼaw Then they swim in running water. underlying form: #xutu -ʔaš -0 -aw. Morph: precative gerundial verbal noun locative case.

xuyiw   v. return! underlying form: #xoyow -0. Morph: imperative.

xuyiwin   v. will return. xuyiwin naʔ mam hiʔ yow ʔə·kʼa I'll return and see you. underlying form: #xoyow -in. Morph: future.

xuyiwši   v. returned. kʰayʼiw xuyiwši ʔamaʔ xa·xiy ʔam tʰihinʼ ʔinišiyin xo·ʔoxiʔ to·yatiy tʰihinʼ tiŋta min hin čuʔupanʼa tiŋit kʼaṭʰutʰa Coyote returned and said they are not doing well, why are they are eating your dirt, half of the dirt is gone. underlying form: #xoyow -ši. Morph: aorist.
