
N - n

-n   afx. verbal noun. Morph: verbal noun.

-n   afx. nominative case. Morph: nominative case.

-n   afx. genitive case. Morph: genitive case.

-n   afx. oblique. Morph: oblique.

-n-   afx. medio-passive. Morph: medio-passive.

nacwaš   n. the same.

naha·ʔaṭʰ   n. otter. See: tʼə·pɨkʼ 'beaver; otter'. Note: Related language Yawelmani naha·ʔiṭʼ

nahni   prt. sometimes. ʔamaʔ tʰaŋ nahni čʰe·šačʰiš Sometimes he cuts it. Note: Related language Chukchansi nahniʼ (NAS)

nan   prn. me. maʔ ʔə·kʼaš nan You saw me. ʔə·kʼaš maʔ ʔan nan ʔamta You saw him helping me. underlying form: na·/ -n. Morph: first person singular accusative case.

napʰaš   n. niece, nephew, woman's brother's children. Note: Related language Yawelmani napʰas 'woman's brother's children'

napʰatʰma   n. son-in-law. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -a. Morph: accusative case.

napʰatʰmaŋ   n. son-in-law. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -aŋ. Morph: dative case.

napʰatʰmaw   n. son-in-law. Phon: voiceless [w̥] -maw̥ voiceless w. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -aw. Morph: locative case.

napʰatʰmun   n. son-in-law's. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -un. Morph: genitive case.

napʰatʰmunutʰ   n. son-in-law. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -unutʰ. Morph: ablative case.

napʰa·tʰum   n. son-in-law. hačʼa·mʼuʔ nim napʰa·tʰum my new son-in-law. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

napʰa·tʰum/   n-theme. son-in-law, brother-in-law. nominative: napʰa·tʰum. accusative: napʰatʰma. genitive: napʰatʰmun. dative: napʰatʰmaŋ. ablative: napʰatʰmunutʰ. locative: napʰatʰmaw. Pl: napʰtʰima. acquisitive: napʰtʰimnaš. decendent: napʰutʰmam. Note: Related langauges Yawelmani napʰa·tʰim Chukchansi napʰa·tʰimʼ

napʰa·tʰun   n. brother-in-law. Note: Related language Yawelmani nipʰiy

napʰtʰima   n. sons-in-law. underlying form: napʰtʰima/ -0. Morph: plural nominative case. Variant: napʰtʰina.

napʰtʰima/   n-theme. sons-in-law. nominative: napʰtʰina. nominative: napʰtʰima. accusative: napʰtʰimha. genitive: napʰtʰimhan. dative: napʰtʰimhaŋ. ablative: napʰtʰimhanitʰ. locative: napʰtʰimhaw. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -a.

napʰtʰimha   n. sons-in-law. underlying form: napʰtʰima/ -h- -a. Morph: plural accusative case.

napʰtʰimhan   n. sons-in-law's. underlying form: napʰtʰima/ -h- -an. Morph: plural, genitive case.

napʰtʰimhanitʰ   n. sons-in-law. underlying form: napʰtʰima/ -h- -anitʰ. Morph: plural, ablative case.

napʰtʰimhaŋ   n. sons-in-law. tošši naʔ napʰtʰimhaŋ I told you about my sons-in-law. underlying form: napʰtʰima/ -h- -aŋ. Morph: plural dative case.

napʰtʰimhaw   n. sons-in-law. underlying form: napʰtʰima/ -h- -aw. Morph: plural, locative case. Phon: silent [w̥]

napʰtʰimnaš   n. got a brother-in-law. napʰtʰimnaš naʔ I got a son-in-law. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -na- -aš. Morph: acquisitive, aorist.

napʰtʰina   n. sons-in-law. See: napʰtʰima. Note: consultant stresses that form is also correct with an [n] rather than an [m] Variant: napʰtʰima.

napʰutʰmam   n. deceased son-in-law. underlying form: napʰa·tʰum/ -mam -0. Morph: decedent, nominative.

našo·š/   n-theme. mother. nominative: našuš. accusative: našo·šu. genitive: našo·šun. dative: našo·šuŋ. ablative: našo·šunutʰ. locative: našo·šuw. diminutive: ʔišaʔa. diminutive: ʔiša·yʼa. Pl: no·šaši. intensive possessor: naššuyun. decendent: nuʔummam. acquisitive: našušnaš.

našo·šu   n. mother. našo·šu nim my mother. našo·šu ʔan mine·ṭʼat Her mother is nursing a baby. underlying form: našo·š/ -u. Morph: accusative case.

našo·šun   n. mother's. ʔamaʔ našo·šun nimikʼ ʔuyʼuʔutʰ pʼaʔanʼ ṭʰišaw And our mother used to own the land at the homeplace/. underlying form: našo·š/ -un. Morph: genitive case.

našo·šunutʰ   n. mother. underlying form: našo·š/ -unutʰ. Morph: ablative case.

našo·šuŋ   n. mother. underlying form: našo·š/ -iŋ. Morph: dative case.

našo·šuw   n. mother. čʰučʰankʰin tʰanši ʔoho·ʔot ʔan našo·šuw Chuchankin went wanting (to find) where her mother was. underlying form: našo·š/ -iw. Morph: locative case.

naššuyun   n. mother's child. A mother's child, one who hangs on to mother all time. underlying form: našo·š/ -iyin -0. Morph: intensive possessor nominative case.

našuš   n. mother. hiya·mʼaʔ nim našuš yow ʔan noʔotʼ čʼo·woŋṭʰinitʰ ʔan xoywoš Long ago my mother and her younger sister were returning from work. underlying form: našo·š/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

našuš   n. old shoots of basket roots. These have plants on both ends of the shoots. See: 'mother'.

našušnaš   n. got a mother. našušnaš naʔ hačʰa·muʔ I got a new mother. underlying form: našo·š/ -na- -aš. Morph: acquisitive, aorist.

natʰetʰ   n. father. yow hantʰaw haya·tiw natʰetʰ nimikʼ ʔam čʼowʼhiy kʼačʰnʼayʼay ṭʰukʰo·ʔat topʰṭʰa Also sometimes in summer when our father wasn't working, we would be fishing, catching fish. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

natʰetʰ/   n-theme. father. nominative: natʰetʰ. accusative: natʰe·tʰi. genitive: natʰe·tʰin. dative: natʰe·tʰiŋ. ablative: natʰe·tʰinitʰ. locative: natʰe·tʰiw. decendent: natʰitʰmam/. diminutive: ʔopʰo·yʼa. acquisitive: natʰitʰna. intensive possessor: natʰtʰiyin. Pl: natʰe·tʰi. Pl: natʰitʰhat.

natʰetʰhatiw   n. to the fathers. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -hat -w. Morph: plural, locative case. Variant: natʰetʰhitiw.

natʰetʰhi   n. fathers. underlying form: natʰe·tʰi/ -h- -i. Morph: plural, accusative case.

natʰetʰhin   n. fathers'. natʰetʰhin pʰuṭʰoŋwayʼi fathers' hands. underlying form: natʰe·tʰi/ -h- -in. Morph: plural, genitive case.

natʰetʰhinitʰ   n. fathers. underlying form: natʰe·tʰi/ -h- -initʰ. Morph: plural, ablative case.

natʰetʰhiŋ   n. fathers. underlying form: natʰe·tʰi/ -h- -iŋ. Morph: plural, dative case.

natʰetʰhitiw   n. to the fathers. underlying form: natʰetʰ/ -hat -w. Morph: plural locative case. Variant: natʰetʰhatiw.

natʰetʰhiw   n. fathers. underlying form: natʰe·tʰi/ -h- -iw. Morph: plural, locative case.

natʰe·tʰhi   n. father. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -h- -i. Morph: oblique plural accusative case.

natʰe·tʰi   n. fathers. underlying form: natʰe·tʰi/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

natʰe·tʰi/   n-theme. fathers. nominative: natʰe·tʰi. accusative: natʰetʰhi. genitive: natʰetʰhin. dative: natʰetʰhiŋ. ablative: natʰetʰhinitʰ. locative: natʰetʰhiw. decendent: natʰutʰmam. intensive possessor: natʰtʰiyin. acquisitive: natʰitʰna. Variant: natʰitʰhat.

natʰe·tʰin   n. father's. natʰetʰin nim pʰuṭʰoŋ My father's hand. natʰe·tʰin kawa·yu father's horse. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -in. Morph: genitive case.

natʰe·tʰinitʰ   n. father. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -initʰ. Morph: ablative case.

natʰe·tʰiŋ   n. father. wakʼiy naʔ nim natʰe·tʰiŋ I'll give (you) my father. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -iŋ. Morph: dative case.

natʰe·tʰiw   n. on father. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -iw. Morph: locative case.

natʰitʰhat   n. fathers. underlying form: natʰitʰhat/ -0. Morph: plural, nominative case.

natʰitʰhat/   n. fathers. nominative: natʰitʰhat. locative: natʰitʰhatiw. locative: natʰetʰhatiw. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -hat. Morph: plural. Morph: plural form of natʰe·tʰ--consultant states that this is the proper form for 'fathers'. Variant: natʰe·tʰi.

natʰitʰhatiw   n. fathers. underlying form: natʰitʰhat/ -iw. Morph: plural, locative case.

natʰitʰmam   n. deceased father. underlying form: natʰitʰmam -0. Morph: nominative case.

natʰitʰmam/   n-theme. deceased father. nominative: natʰitʰmam. dative: natʰitʰmamŋi. underlying form: natʰetʰ/ -mam. Morph: decedent.

natʰitʰmamŋi   n. deceased father. tuse·ʔaš naʔ mam nim natʰitʰmamŋi Let me tell you about my deceased father. underlying form: natʰitʰmam/ -ŋi. Morph: dative case.

natʰitʰna   n. got a father. underlying form: natʰetʰ/ -na- -0. Morph: acquitsitive, nominative case.

natʰtʰiyin   n. a papa's child. a father's child, one who hangs onto their father all the time. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -iyin. Morph: intensive possessor nominative case. Phon: [nat̚tʰiyin] with first [t̚] unreleased

naxa·mʼiš   n. father-in-law. Note: Related languages Yawelmani naxa·mis Chukchansi naxa·mʼiš

nay   prt. nearly, like, hardly. ʔitikʼ nay water like. mayʼ nay human like. hiyam nay tʰa hutšu hardly knew him. hixaʔan nay greasy food (greasy like). nay nim tuya like what I eat. pa·pas nay ʔan xo·ʔoxiʔ it's like potatos.

nayhiʔ   prt. will be like. ʔitikʼ nayhiʔ It will be like water. underlying form: nay -hiʔ. Morph: future.

naʔ   prn. I. ʔə·kʼaš naʔ tʰaŋ I saw it. hiyam naʔ tʰaxinši I came. underlying form: na·/ -ʔ. Morph: first person singular nominative case.

naʔakʼ   prn. someone else and I. underlying form: na·/ -kʼ. Morph: first person dual exclusive nominative case.

naʔan   prn. we (excluding you). kʼumuy naʔan ye·tʼaw piyši We all finished together. ʔama naʔan munʼoš yičʼŋa pohuṭʼšu Then we eight grew up alone. underlying form: na·/ -ʔ- -an. Morph: first person plural exclusive nominative case.

naʔas   prt. might. maʔ naʔas tuyat You should eat. hin maʔ naʔas nay takat Could you stay overnight?

naʔatʰ   n. older sister. underlying form: naʔatʰ/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

naʔatʰ/   n-theme. older sister. nominative: naʔatʰ. diminutive: naʔtʰaš. Pl: naʔitʰa. decendent: naʔutʰmam. Note: Related languages Yawelmani naʔat Chukchansi naʔatʰ

naʔitʰa   n. older sisters. underlying form: naʔatʰ/ -0. Morph: plural.

naʔtʰaš   n. dear older sister. underlying form: naʔatʰ -0. Morph: diminutive. a family term for older sister.

naʔutʰmam   n. deceased older sister. underlying form: naʔatʰ/ -mam -0. Morph: decedent, nominative case.

-na·   afx. acquisitive. Morph: acquisitive, forms a verb theme from a noun theme.

na·/   prn-theme. First person. singular nominative: naʔ. singular accusative: nan. singular genitive: nim. singular dative: na·naŋ. singular ablative: na·nanitʰ. singular locative: na·naw. dual inclusive nominative: makʼ. dual inclusive accusative: makʰwa. dual inclusive genitive: ma·kin. dual inclusive dative: makʰwaŋ. dual inclusive ablative: makʰwanitʰ. dual inclusive locative: makʰwaw. dual exclusive nominative: naʔakʼ. dual exclusive accusative: na·nakʼ. dual exclusive genitive: nimkin. dual exclusive dative: na·nakʰŋi. dual exclusive ablative: na·nakʰnitʰ. dual exclusive locative: na·nakiw. plural inclusive nominative: mayʼ. plural inclusive accusative: mayʼwa. plural inclusive genitive: ma·yʼin. plural inclusive dative: mayʼwaŋ. plural inclusive ablative: mayʼwanitʰ. plural inclusive locative: mayʼwaw. plural exclusive nominative: naʔan. plural exclusive accusative: na·nunwa. plural exclusive genitive: nimikʼ. plural exclusive dative: na·nunwaŋ. plural exclusive ablative: na·nunwanitʰ. plural exclusive locative: na·nunwaw.

na·nakiw   prn. to us, me and someone else. underlying form: na·/ -n -k -iw. Morph: first person dual exclusive locative case.

na·nakʰnitʰ   prn. from me and someone else. underlying form: na·/ -n -akʼ -nitʰ. Morph: first person dual exclusive ablative case.

na·nakʰŋi   prn. us (me and someone else). underlying form: na·/ -n -akʼ -ŋi. Morph: first person dual exclusive dative case.

na·nakʼ   prn. somone else and me. underlying form: na·/ -n -akʼ. Morph: first person dual exclusive accusative case.

na·nanitʰ   prn. away from me. underlying form: na·/ -n -anitʰ. Morph: first person singular ablative case.

na·naŋ   prn. by me. na·naŋ wakʼiyši Give it to me. underlying form: na·/ -n -aŋ. Morph: first person singular dative case.

na·naw   prn. at me, to me. underlying form: na·/ -n -aw. Morph: first person singular locative case.

na·ninwa   prn. us (excluding you). underlying form: na·/ -n -in -w -a. Morph: first person plural exclusive accusative case. Variant: na·nunwa.

na·nunwa   prn. us (excluding you). underlying form: na·/ -n -un -w -a. Morph: first person plural exclusive accusative case. Variant: na·ninwa.

na·nunwanitʰ   prn. away from us (excluding you). underlying form: na· -n -un -w -anitʰ. Morph: first person plural exclusive ablative case.

na·nunwaŋ   prn. us (excluding you). underlying form: na·/ -n -un -w -aŋ. Morph: first person plural exclusive dative case.

na·nunwaw   prn. to us (excluding you). underlying form: na· -n -un -w -aw. Morph: first person plural exclusive locative case.

neʔes   n. younger brother. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

neʔesnaš   n. got a younger brother. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -na- -aš. Morph: acquistive durative aorist.

neʔesʔayʼ   n. younger brother. underlying form: neʔes/ -ayʼ. Morph: diminutive, family term for younger brother.

neʔe·s/   n-theme. younger brother. nominative: neʔes. accusative: neʔe·sa. genitive: neʔesan. dative: neʔe·saŋ. ablative: neʔe·sanitʰ. locative: neʔe·saw. Pl: ne·ʔasi. acquisitive: neʔesnaš. decendent: niʔismam. diminutive: neʔesʔayʼ. Note: Related languages Yawelmani neʔeṣ Chukchansi ne·ʔeṣ

neʔe·sa   n. younger brother. ʔə·kʼaš naʔ nim neʔe·sa I saw my younger brother. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -a. Morph: accusative case.

neʔe·san   n. younger brother's. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -an. Morph: genitive case.

neʔe·sanitʰ   n. younger brother. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -anitʰ. Morph: ablative case.

neʔe·saŋ   n. younger brother. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -aŋ. Morph: dative case.

neʔe·saw   n. younger brother. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -aw. Morph: locative case.

ne·pačʼhi   n. older brothers. ʔə·kʼaš nim ne·pačʼhi I saw my older brothers. underlying form: ne·pačʼi/ -h -i. Morph: plural accusative case.

ne·pačʼhin   n. older brothers'. underlying form: ne·pačʼi/ -h -in. Morph: plural genitive case.

ne·pačʼhinitʰ   n. older brothers. underlying form: ne·pačʼi/ -h -initʰ. Morph: plural ablative case.

ne·pačʼhiŋ   n. older brothers. underlying form: ne·pačʼi/ -h -iŋ. Morph: plural dative case.

ne·pačʼhiw   n. older brothers. underlying form: ne·pačʼi/ -h -iw. Morph: plural locative case.

ne·pačʼi   n. brothers. xi nim ne·pačʼi These are my older brothers. underlying form: ne·pačʼi/ -0. Morph: plural nominative case.

ne·pačʼi/   n-theme. older brothers. nominative: ne·pačʼi. accusative: ne·pačʼhi. genitive: ne·pačʼhin. dative: ne·pačʼhiŋ. ablative: ne·pačʼhinitʰ. locative: ne·pačʼhiw. Variant: nipičʼhat.

ne·pačʼiyʼ   n. dear older brother. Morph: diminutive. a family term for older brother.

ne·ʔashi   n. younger brothers. underlying form: ne·ʔasi/ -h- -i. Morph: accusative case.

ne·ʔashin   n. younger brothers'. underlying form: ne·ʔasi/ -h- -in. Morph: genitive case.

ne·ʔashinitʰ   n. younger brothers. underlying form: ne·ʔasi/ -h- -initʰ. Morph: ablative case.

ne·ʔashiŋ   n. younger brothers. underlying form: ne·ʔasi/ -h- -iŋ. Morph: dative case.

ne·ʔashiw   n. younger brothers. underlying form: ne·ʔasi/ -h- -iw. Morph: locative case.

ne·ʔasi   n. younger brothers. underlying form: ne·ʔasi/ -0. Morph: nominative case. Variant: niʔishat.

ne·ʔasi/   n-theme. younger brothers. nominative: ne·ʔasi. accusative: ne·ʔashi. genitive: ne·ʔashin. dative: ne·ʔashiŋ. ablative: ne·ʔashinitʰ. locative: ne·ʔashiw. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -0. Morph: plural.

nə·win   v. will bend around. Variant: ŋe·ʔaw. Note: Related language Yawelmani ne·wi 'to bend the branch of a tree'

nihiʔ   prn. I will. underlying form: na·/ -ʔ -hiʔ. Morph: A compound consisting of naʔ + hiʔ "I + future".

nim   prn. my, mine. nipečʼ nim tʰaŋ taŋši My bother heard it. underlying form: na·/ -im. Morph: first person singular genitive case.

nimikʼ   prn. ours (excluding you). waʔ nimikʼ pʼaʔanʼ xoʔoxʔoš ṭʰišaw Our far land was homeplace. nipʰečʼ nimikʼ tʰa·wiṭʰši teyaw ʔan pʼaʔanʼa Our older brother died before his (first) year. underlying form: na·/ -im -ikʼ. Morph: first person plural exclusive genitive case.

nimkin   prn. ours, me and someone else. underlying form: na·/ -im -kʼ -in. Morph: first person dual exclusive genitive case.

nipečʼ   n. older brother. nipečʼ nim tʰaŋ taŋši My brother heard it. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

nipečʼmam   n. deceased older brother. underlying form: nipečʼmam/ -0. Morph: nominatve case. Variant: nipičʼmam.

nipečʼmam/   n-theme. dead older brother. nominative: nipečʼmam. genitive: nipečʼmamin. dative: nipečʼmamŋi. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -mam. Morph: decedent.

nipečʼmamin   n. deceased older brother's. underlying form: nipečʼmam/ -in. Morph: genitive case.

nipečʼmamŋi   n. dead older brother. underlying form: nipečʼmam/ -ŋi. Morph: decedent, dative case.

nipe·čʼ/   n-theme. older brother. nominative: nipečʼ. accusative: nipe·čʼi. genitive: nipe·čʼin. dative: nipe·čʼiŋ. ablative: nipe·čʼinitʰ. locative: nipe·čʼiw. Pl: ne·pačʼi. Pl: nipičʼhat. acquisitive: nipičʼnaš. decendent: nipečʼmam/. diminutive: ne·pačʼiyʼ. diminutive: pe·čʼiyʼ. Note: Related languages Yawelmani nipecʼ Chukchansi nipʼečʼ

nipe·čʼi   n. older brother. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -i. Morph: accusative case.

nipe·čʼin   n. older brother's. nipe·čʼin nim pʰuṭʰoŋ My older brother's hand. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -in. Morph: genitive case.

nipe·čʼinitʰ   n. older brother. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -initʰ. Morph: ablative case.

nipe·čʼiŋ   n. older brother. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -iŋ. Morph: dative case.

nipe·čʼiw   n. older brother. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -iw. Morph: locative case. Phon: voiceless [w̥]

nipičʼhat   n. older brothers. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -hat. Morph: plural nominative case. Variant: ne·pačʼi/.

nipičʼmam   n. deceased older brother. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -mam. Morph: decedent. Variant: nipečʼmam.

nipičʼnaš   n. get an older brother. underlying form: nipe·čʼ/ -na- -aš. Morph: acquisitive aorist.

nipʼečʼ   n. brother, older.

-nitʰ   afx. ablative case. Morph: ablative case.

niwatwaš   v. different. hawšun niwatwaš ṭʼatʼe·ʔi How many different trees are there? underlying form: niwit/ -aš. Morph: durative aorist.

niwatwašaw   n. at different places. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ puŋpiŋyʼiʔin tʰanši xoʔe niwatwašaw hitewtʰin xoʔoʔ And they went two at a time, living at different places that is where they will be. underlying form: niwit/ -waš -aw. Morph: reflexive reciprocal locative case.

niwit   n. different, another. ʔamaʔ tʰa·nitʰ tʰišši kʼačʼe·čʼayʼwʼo niwit yow yakʼawaw waʔa hattinši Then lizard got our from there and climbed to another rock. underlying form: niwit/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

niwit/   n. another, different. nominative: niwit. accusative: niwti. reflexive-reciprocal: niwatwaš. reflexive-reciprocal: niwatwašaw.

niwtašti   n. was different. ʔamaʔ ʔə·kʼaš niwtašti tʰašti yow tʰihin tʰaŋ ʔan tʰaŋ nan tʰašti (hiʔsu) nuwa·tit wistilin And he looked different to them and they looked at him and they all saw he was beautifully dressed. See: niwit.

niwti   n. another, different. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ mukʼešhin niwti ʔočoy And women's design is different. underlying form: niwit/ -i. Morph: accusative case.

niyʔinši   v. dark. hiyam niyʔinši It is dark.

niʔishat   n. younger brothers. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -hat. Morph: plural nominative case. Variant: ne·ʔasi.

niʔismam   n. deceased younger brother. underlying form: neʔe·s/ -mam. Morph: decedent, nominative case.

-nɨtʰ   afx. ablative case. Morph: ablative case.

nohkʼaš   v. was kneeling. underlying form: #nuhukʼ -aš. Morph: durative aorist.

nohkʼat   v. kneeling. underlying form: #nuhukʼ -at. Morph: durative present.

nokʰmʼun   v. will bend. underlying form: #nukʰo·mʼ -in. Morph: future.

nokʰočo   n. knife. Note: Related language Chukchansi nokʼočʰoʔ Variant: ŋokʰočʼoʔ.

nokʰumʼšu   v. bent. underlying form: #nukʰo·mʼ -ši. Morph: aorist.

nomčʼin   n. seven. underlying form: #nomočʼ -n. Morph: nominative case. Note: Related languages Yawelmani nomcʼil Chukchansi nomčʼin

nomčʼit   n. seven times, seventh, seventeen. underlying form: #nomočʼ -ʼ...am. Morph: multiplicative gerundial. Variant: nomčʼom.

nomčʼom   v. seven times, seventh, seventeen. underlying form: #nomočʼ -ʼ...am. Morph: multiplicative gerundial. Variant: nomčʼit.

nomʼnomčʼa   v. seven at a time. nomʼnomčʼa tʰantaš He took seven at a time. nomʼnomčʼa hiyam tʰaŋ tʰantaš He is already taking them seven at a time. nomʼnomčʼa underlying form: #nomočʼ -ʼ...a. Morph: distributive.

nomʼnomčʼiʔin   v. seven at a time. underlying form: #nomočʼ -ʼ...a -ʔin. Morph: distributive resultative gerundial.

nonʼpom   v. nine times, ninth, nineteen. underlying form: #no·nopʰ -ʼ...am. Morph: multiplicative gerundial.

nop   v. gather! underlying form: #no·po -0. Morph: imperative.

nopo·ʔot   v. gathering. ʔamaʔ tʰihinʼ tʰaŋ nopo·ʔot And they pick it up. underlying form: #no·po -ʔat. Morph: durative present.

now   n. hook. Note: Related language Yawelmani now

nowčʼo   n. good-looking.

noʔčʼayʼ   n. little younger sister. underlying form: noʔotʼ -0. Morph: diminutive. term of endearment--used by family.

noʔotʼ   n. younger sister. hiya·mʼaʔ nim našuš yow ʔan noʔotʼ čʼo·woŋṭʰinitʰ ʔan xoywoš Long ago my mother and her younger sister were returning from work. underlying form: noʔotʼ/ -0. Morph: nominative case.

noʔotʼ/   n-theme. younger sister. nominative: noʔotʼ. diminutive: noʔčʼayʼ. Pl: noʔoʔtʼi. decendent: nuʔutʼmam. Note: Related languages Yawelmani noʔot Chukchansi noʔotʼ

noʔoʔtʼi   n. younger sisters. underlying form: noʔotʼ/ -0. Morph: plural.

no·čʰi   n. friend. Note: Related language Yawelmani nowoc̣ʰ 'befriend'

no·nipʰ   n. nine. tʰa·nitʰ nan pohuṭʰšu no·nipʰ naʔan yuʔut witʰiphačʼ Nine of us children grew up from there. Note: Related language Chukchansi no·nipʰ (NAS)

no·nʼoʔ   n. man. Note: Related language Yawelmani no·nʼoʔ Chikchansi no·noʼ (NAS)

no·šašhi   n. mothers. underlying form: no·šaši/ -h- -i. Morph: plural accusative case.

no·šašhin   n. mothers'. underlying form: no·šaši/ -h- -in. Morph: plural, genitive case.

no·šašhinitʰ   n. mothers. underlying form: no·šaši/ -h- -initʰ. Morph: plural, ablative case.

no·šašhiŋ   n. mothers. underlying form: no·šaši/ -h- -iŋ. Morph: plural, dative case.

no·šašhiw   n. mothers. underlying form: no·šaši/ -h- -iw. Morph: plural locative case.

no·šaši   n. mothers. underlying form: no·šaši/ -0. Morph: plural, nominative case.

no·šaši/   n-theme. mothers. nominative: no·šaši. accusative: no·šašhi. genitive: no·šašhin. dative: no·šašhiŋ. ablative: no·šašhinitʰ. locative: no·šašhiw.

nuhukʼ   v. will kneel. underlying form: #nuhukʼ -0. Morph: future.

nunʼpʰo·šiʔin   v. nine at a time. underlying form: #no·nopʰ -ʼ...a -ʔin. Morph: distributive resultative gerundial.

-nutʰ   afx. abllative case. Morph: ablative case.

nuwa·tit   prt. beutifully. ʔamaʔ ʔə·kʼaš niwtašti tʰašti yow tʰihin tʰaŋ ʔan tʰaŋ nan tʰašti (hiʔsu) nuwa·tit wistilin And he looked different to them and they looked at him and they all saw he was beautifully dressed.

nuwčʼe·tawšit   n. handsome.

nuʔummam   n. deceased mother. underlying form: našo·š/ -mam -0. Morph: decedent nominative case.

nuʔutʼmam   n. deceased younger sister. underlying form: noʔotʼ/ -mam -0. Morph: decedent, nominative case.

-nʼ   afx. plural absolutive number suffix. Morph: plural absolutive number suffix.

-nʼa   afx. nominalizer. Morph: nominalizer.

nʼahi   n. dad. wɨxnat witʰep nim nʼahi yitʼan tʰaŋ ʔamaʔ čʰan ʔə·kʼaš My dad was very young and only saw it once. underlying form: natʰe·tʰ/ -0. Morph: a diminutive or personal word for father.
