
A - a

a cut čʰiša
a dance character who would find and keep your money huhunaʔ
a husky person puttʰiyin
a little witečʼ
· wičʼʔi
a lot wɨxat
· wɨxnat
a lot of body puttʰiyin
a namer hoyoʔo
a papa's child natʰtʰiyin
a person who lives in cold country čʼičʼkʼinʼin
a place to fill mapʼa·hiy
a small amount witčʼi
a small thing or person pučʼičʼ
a sore ʔupʰin
a story was already told ʔɨtəmhanʼa
a story was told ʔɨta·mitʰ
a story will be told by someone ʔɨtəmŋɨṭʰ
a substance that sells, something of value šomwitaʔan
a swimmer ʔipʰʔe·ʔipʰičʼ
a talker šamʔiyin
a well tipʰin
a wetter ṭʼɨwaʔa
abalone shell ṭʼutṭʼut
· ṭʼutṭʼut/
· ṭʼutṭʼutŋi
abalone shell bead xumʼanʼa/
· xumʼanʼaʔ
abalone shell beads xumʼunʼhat
· ṭʼutṭʼutŋihat
ablative case -anitʰ
· -initʰ
· -nitʰ
· -nɨtʰ
· -onitʰ
· -unutʰ
able wastʰutʰa
· wastʰuš
abllative case -nutʰ
about the eyes šašʔeyiŋ
about the fogs pəŋa·ʔačʼhaŋ
about the tree ṭʼatʼa·ŋi
above ṭʰipʰin/
accusative case -0
· -a
· -i
· -o
· -u
acorn pʰutʰsa
· pʰutʰsaŋ
· pʰutʰus
· pʰutʰus/
acorn cap kʰačʼučʼuʔ
acorn cooking basket ʔopʼonʼo
acorn flour ʔipin
· ʔipin/
· ʔipna
acorn flour cooked tʼe·pʰin
acorn flour ground, cooked tʼe·pʰin/
acorn gruel suṭʰtuŋṭʰu
acorn gruel--between liquid and hard suṭʰtuŋuṭʰ/
acorn mush tʼepʰna
acorn mush being made tʼepʰniʔin
acorn mush will be made tʼepʰnaŋiṭʰ
acorn soup tʼepʰna
acorn soup, mush tʼe·pʰin/
acorn's pʰutʰsun
· tʼepʰnin
acquisitive -na·
adding.roots to basket in construction process te·ʔatiʔ
adjunctive -it
after digging ʔotʰitʔin
after drying, dried šiymiʔin
after eating tuyʔun
after feeding tuytiʔin
after standing wo·wutʔin
after stinging pʼinʼʔin
after swimming ʔepʰʔin
after x turns black ṭɨmɨxwitʔin
again yow
ahead tʰayaw
alakali hipʼe·kʰi
alarm clock satakʼʔiy/
alfalfa ʔalpʰatʰi
alight #kʰono
alive taʔata
· xo·ʔoxiʔ
all kʼumuy
all around kʼumuy
all day ʔupʰyiw
all gone kʼamoʔotʰa
all lot of bread panʔiyin
all of us mayʼwa
· mayʼwaŋ
all the time xo·now
allow, quit, leave. let go, untie to·to/
allowed to·toš
allowing totʔoš
allowing, leaving tute·ʔat
alone yičʼŋa
· yičʼŋin
already hiyam
· hiyamʼa
· witʔin
already dead šuxhanʼa
also tʰaʔan
· yow
always xo·now
always awake sataʔkʼa
always watching šašʔiyin
am crying ʔahnat
am happy hiyetʼiwtat
am peeling ṭʼoto·ʔot
am soaking ṭʼə·waṭʼiw
am taking ṭʼo·wʼaṭʼiwʼ
am tired, am getting tired moyo·not
an insomniac sataʔkʼa
ancestors čʰipʰušu
and yow
· ʔama
· ʔamaʔ
angry, mad, cranky #xiṭʰiwʼ
ankle kʰuyu
annoying waxa·nat
another niwit/
· niwti
answer #pʰučʰu
answered pʰučʰši
ant kʼakʼaw
· kʼe·ničʼ
ant design on baskets kʼe·ničʼ
antelope soyot
· suyot
anus ṭʰeta
anyplace ṭʼiʔiw
anything ha·ʔatʰaw
· we·ʔi
anything else ha·ʔintʰa
anything, something ha·ʔatʰa
anytime witaʔaw
anywhere witaʔaw
· čʼuyʼuw
aorist -s
· -uš
· -ši
· -šu
· -šɨ
apple ʔa·pʰul
apron čʼuŋiš
apron, breech cloth čʰuŋiš
are meeting kəwtat
are telling each other a story ʔɨtəmšɨtʰwat
arm pʰuṭʰoŋ/
armpit kiṭʼe·nit
around there hintʰaw
arrival, rows of basket weaving ŋa·waw
arrived ŋawši
arriving ŋawa·ʔat
arrow sikʰetʰ
· sikʰtʰa
Arrowroot kʰoxo·mikʼ
arrows sikʰetʰ/
arthritis tapʰičʰnaw
as mitʰis
as a result of being good ʔinešʔin
as a result of seeing x ʔə·kʼiʔin
as usual, with a degree of dislike or disdain paṭʰ
ashes hapas
· hapas/
· xappas
asks for help ʔamithačʼta
at different places niwatwašaw
at first hunʼayʼ
· ʔo·mo
at getting white čʰololwitaw
at grandfather ʔe·nʼasiw
at it's becoming black ṭɨmɨxwitaw
at it's getting red, on the red pačʼakʰwitaw
at knowing hutaw
at least ʔanʼumʼ
at me, to me na·naw
at night tʰoyonʼow
at one ye·tʰaw
at the bee hanew
· hane·ʔiw
at the blood hə·paw
at the break ṭʰaṭʰayiw
at the burn hupʰatiw
at the burying tukʼtaw
at the celebration tuwniwšaw
at the doctor ʔaŋuṭʰwaw
at the granary pušnaw
at the house ṭʰe·ʔiw
at the large thing meṭʰaw
at the money kʼə·xaw
at the road pʰitaw
at the seive ʔapa·tiw
at the start ʔuyyaw
· ʔuyyu
at the store suyanhanŋe·ṭʰaw
at the story ʔɨtə·maw
at the sweating place tumukʰnaw
at the tree ṭʼatʼaw
at the trees ṭʼatʼe·ʔaw
at the white person milikʰa·naw
at those two, to those two tʰaškiw
at what ha·ʔaw
at you ma·maw
at you two, to you two ma·makiw
ate tuyšu
ate each other tuyuštʰawšiš
· tuyuštʰiwšiš
ate lunch ṭʰinši
ate repeatedly tuytuyšu
attempt xoyo/
attempted xoyiš
attempting xo·yixiy
attend a celebration towon/
aunt kʼawayiš/
· kʼuyha
aunts mukʰeyayi
autumn, fall, September wosow
away (away from ...) tʰa·nitʰ
away from grandfather ʔe·nʼasnitʰ
away from me na·nanitʰ
away from the acorn pʰutʰsanitʰ
away from the ashes haptunutʰ
away from the bee hane·nitʰ
away from the bodies pututʰhayʼnitʰ
away from the body pottʰanitʰ
away from the bread pana·nitʰ
away from the cat ka·tunutʰ
away from the catcher pʰičʰewčʼinitʰ
away from the cats kato·wayʼhinitʰ
away from the cloud pɨxəynɨtʰ
away from the dirt tiŋtanitʰ
away from the doctor ʔaŋuṭʰwanitʰ
away from the doctors ʔaŋiṭʰwahnitʰ
· ʔaŋṭʰawhinitʰ
· ʔaŋṭʰuwhanitʰ
away from the eater tuyoʔčʼunutʰ
away from the eyes šašʔeyanitʰ
away from the finder pokʼoʔčʼinitʰ
away from the fire ʔoštʰo·nitʰ
away from the granary pušnanitʰ
away from the grandfathers ʔinʼashanitʰ
away from the hand pʰuṭʰo·ŋanitʰ
away from the head toʔṭʼonitʰ
away from the hearer taŋaʔčʼinitʰ
away from the house ṭʰe·nitʰ
away from the humans mayʼe·ʔinitʰ
away from the money kʼə·xanitʰ
away from the mountain tomtʰonitʰ
away from the mouse pʼičʼtunitʰ
away from the people mayʼe·hinitʰ
away from the person mayʼa·nitʰ
away from the road pʰita·nitʰ
away from the road making pʰitna·nitʰ
away from the rock yakʰawinitʰ
away from the sewer piwenčʼinitʰ
away from the snow pʰonpʰonnitʰ
away from the soaker ṭʼɨwəʔčʼɨnɨtʰ
away from the stick wičʼe·tʰanitʰ
away from the stinger pʼinʼeʔčʼinitʰ
away from the story ʔɨtə·manitʰ
away from the Wikchamni wɨkʰṭʰamninitʰ
away from the Wikchamnis wɨkʰaṭʰminhanitʰ
away from the year pʼaʔnʼitʰ
away from us mayʼwanitʰ
away from us (excluding you) na·nunwanitʰ
away from what ha·nitʰ
away from you ma·manitʰ
away from you all ma·munwanitʰ
away from you two ma·makʰnitʰ
awl pʼa·wʼukʰ
