
R - r

racoon kʼɨtčʼa
rain #xotʼo
· hotʼoʔo
· xotʼoʔoʔ
· xotʼšiw
rainbow ta·kʰotukʰ
· tʰakʰotʰat
rains xotʼe·ʔat
raise hayin/
raiser hatatčʼi
· hata·tičʼ/
raising hattit
ran tawitʰši
ran for x tawtʰištʰaš
raped ʔatayši
rattle šaŋacʼ
rattles from rattlesnake čʰuŋowšit
rattlesnake ṭʰəʔət
· ṭʰəʔət/
rattlesnake pattern on baskets ṭʰəʔət
· ṭʰəʔət/
rattlesnake's ṭʰəʔətɨn
read ho·misši
· ho·miš
· hu·mis/
reading homsat
ready ʔiništʰa
ready to crack pošwoʔo
really mičeʔna
· wɨxnat
recede, go down (as swelling) cʼa·pʰin/
receded cʼa·pʰinši
red pačʼikin
red ones pačʼe·kaš
redbells kʼišyʼin
Redbud tʰakʰaʔkʰaʔ
redbud tree tʰukʰuta
reflexive-reciprocal -iwša
· -waš
· -wiš
· -wuš
· -wši
reflexive-reciprocal adjunctive -awšit
reflexive-reciprocal consequent adjunctive -iwšit
· -owšit
reflexive-reciprocal verbal noun -iwš
refrain from eating ponxat
remember #pʰakʰatʰ
· pʰakʰatʰin
remembering pa·kʼat
remove tʰontaš
repetitive -0
· -ta
· -to
resident -ʼ...inʼin
resident, lives on the x side tʰaxinʼin
resultative gerundial -ʔin
retardative -0
return #xoyow
· xoyow/
return from work čʼo·wʼoŋṭʰinitʰ
return! xuyiw
returned xuyiwši
returner xoyo·wičʼ
returning xoywo
· xoywot
returning each other xoyo·wiš
reward ṭʼawʼa/
· ṭʼawʼa·ŋi
rib xamʼamʼ
rice ʔalo·saʔ
· ʔalo·šaʔ
ride hata·xin/
riding hatxinʼin
right (direction) pʰata
right away, right now witʔin
right side pʼa·ta/
right side, right pʼa·ta
right there hetʰtʰaw
· ximamaw
ring ʔaniya
ring in ears #piwwiti
ring lightly #piwwiti
ring loudly #toŋot
ring, band ʔaniya/
ringing tuŋitši
ringing in ears, ringing lightly, ring like a bell piwwitši
ripe sisaʔaʔ
river swallow, bird species tʰayʼpa·mučʼ
road pʰit
· pʰit/
· pʰita
· pʰita·ŋi
road's pʰitin
roadrunner ʔoyʔuy
· ʔoyʔuy/
roadrunners ʔoyʔuyhat
roads pʰite·wayʼi
roast #tʰumot
roasted tʰumatanʼa
rock yakʰaw
· yakʰaw/
· yakʰawaŋ
rock's yakʰawin
rocks, gravel yakʰiwhat
roll #tʰitin
rolled tʰitinši
rolling tʰitenitʰa
roof hatatanʼa
rooster woʔoʔownʼa
root ho·pʰut/
· hupʰut
roots ho·pʰut
rope plant hox
rot #poṭʰokʼ
round #sotʼotʰ
· šotucʼ
· ʔupʼ/
round maker sotʼtʰučʼ
round things, those things that were made round ʔopʼʔupʼwitaʔhanʼa
round tule suyuʔ
· suyʼuʔ
rub xɨpʼwiti/
rub on tʼustʼuswiti/
rub on, put on, paint #xošo
rub repeatedly xɨpʼxɨpʼwiti/
rub slowly xɨ·pʼwit
rubbed xɨpʼwitši
rubbed on tʼustʼuswitši
rubbed on, something that has been rubbed on. tustus/
rubbing xɨpʼxɨpʼwittʰa
rubbing motion xɨpʼwit
rubbing on xo·šoxiš
· xuša·ʔat
ruin tuṭʼe·/
ruins tuṭʼe·yatʰaʔ
run #tawatʰ
run by x tawitʰhan
run! tawitʰ
runner tawa·tʰičʼ
· tawaʔtʰa
running tawitʰ
· tawitʰ/
· tawtʰa
· tawtʰat
· xutaʔšaw
running place tawatʰʔiy
rusty hoʔoyʼowow
