
L - l

lake pʰaʔaši
· pʼaʔa·ṣi
land #kʰono
· pʼaʔanʼ
· pʼaʔanʼ/
land of the dead tʰipʰikʰnic
land, age pʼaʔanʼa
landed kʰonši
language xa·xiyat
lard, fat he·xaʔ
large meṭʰ
large thing mi·tʰi/
larger meṭʰnay
lasts tʰanaštʰat
late #kʰutʼut
late, later hiyʼa
later on wiša
laugh hayʼuwaš
· ha·lʼawiš/
· ha·yʼawiš/
laughing halʼwaštʰit
· hayʼawšit
lay down kʼɨnɨwšɨ
laying eggs hoŋhiŋ
lazy kapʰa·ṭʰiy/
· kʰapʰṭʰi
leaching yukʼo·ʔot
leaching hole tʰayuŋ
· tʰayuŋ/
leaching hole is made tʰayiŋin
leaching hole.loc tʰayuŋiw
lead #tʰuxu·
lead! tʰux
leaf tʼapʼtʼapʼ/
leaf, leaves tʼapʼtʼapʼ
learn #hutu
leaves tʼapʼtʼapʼ/
· tʼapʼtʼapʼŋi
leaving tʰanaʔat
leaving, going tʰanŋiṭʰ
led tʰuxšu
left-side tʰa·čaw
· tʼa·čaw
leg kʰatasša
· yokʼučʼ
let x mix hukuyʔaš
let me know hutʔaš
let me pull ho·tʰumʼʔaš
let someone find pokʼʔoš
let someone finish piyʔaš
let someone get hungry ʔə·tʰɨtʔaš
let someone name hoyo·ʔoš
let someone point ṭʼutokʼʔoš
let someone raise hatatʔaš
let someone walk hiwetʰʔaš
let sting pʼinʼʔaš
let x be scared to·čixʔaš
let x catch pʰičʰiwʔaš
let x cover ṭʰomʔoš
let x dance kʰamʼʔaš
let x doctor tʼuyixʔaš
let x eat tuyʔaš
let x follow yawtiyʔaš
let x get dirty muṭʰkʼinʔaš
let x hear taŋta
· taŋʔaš
let x peel ṭʼotto
· ṭʼotʔoš
let x pound pʰɨwɨsʔaš
let x put ʔotʼoyʔoš
let x run tawitʰʔaš
Let x sew pe·winʔaš
· piwenʔaš
let x sink teʔe·ʔaš
let x sit xoʔo·ʔoš
let x soak it ṭʼɨwʔaš
let x sour puṭʰikʼʔaš
let x spread wətʼʔaš
let x steal ʔošʔaš
let x swim ʔepʰʔaš
let x tell tuše·ʔaš
let x tell a story ʔɨtəmʔaš
let x urinate čʼuto·ʔoš
let x wait for teytiwšaʔaš
let x wake up sa·tikʼʔaš
let x wipe pa·nisʔaš
letting x go tʰanʔašiš
lick ʔata·tʰut
lie kʰanawʼat
lie down! kʼɨnɨw
lie flat #kʰɨnɨw
lie flat, lie down #kʼɨnɨw
lie on back ṭʼatʼatʼwit
lie themselves down kʼɨnəwšat
lift up, raise #hata·t
lift! hatat
lifted hatatši
lifted each other hattiwšaš
lifted for someone hatitšitʰaš
lifting hatat
lifting for someone hatatšitʰat
lifting place hatatʔiy
lightening walamʼwalamʼwitaʔaʔ
like #huyo·čʼ
· nay
like that tʰa·mučʼ
like you were walking fast hiwetʰwišši
like! huyočʼ
liked huyočʼšu
· ʔinšinši
liking hoyčʼat
lips yipe·tʰa
· yipyepʰuṭʼ
little witčʼi
· wičʼʔi
little bird tʼečʼpʰayʼ
little daughter ʔaxčʼayʼ/
little daughter, little baby ʔaxčʼayʼ
little daughters ʔaxe·čʼi
little finger pʰintʰatʰukʰ
· pʼinʼtʼatʼakʼ
little younger sister noʔčʼayʼ
live xoʔe/
live oak čʼaxiš
· čʼaxiš/
live oak with lots of acorns čʼaxšiyin
live! xoʔ
lived xoʔoxʔoš
liver tipʰ
· tipʰ/
· tipʰa
· tipʰa·ŋi
liver (away from the ...) tipʰa·nitʰ
liver (lots of ...) tipʰiyin
liver (to the ...) tipʰaw
liver's tipʰin
living xoʔe
· xoʔo·xiʔ
lizard kʼačʼe·čʼayʼwʼo
· patawʼunwačʼ
lizard species kʰunčʼe·čʼaʔ
· kʼonče·čaʔ
lizard, generic and big species kʼunče·čaʔ
locative -aw
locative case -iw
· -ow
· -w
· -ɨw
long waʔa
long ago hiya·mʼu
long time wa·ʔaʔ
look out for ṭʼutkʼat
look over and over again ʔoʔo·ho/
look! ʔə·kʼa
looked at, being seen by ʔə·kʼatʰin
looked for ʔoʔo·hoš
looking at ʔɨkʼa·ʔat
loosened up šaʔnat
lot of hair ʔuṭʼwinʼin
lots of dirt on x tiŋtiyin
lots of granaries pušniyin
lots of hair, hairy one ʔuṭ'wiyin
lots of money kʼə·xɨyɨn
lots of straw čʼakšiyin
louse čʰeheṭʰ
love čʰikʰe·nat
lunch čʼinʼ
lunch will be eaten ṭʰə·naṭʰintʰin
lungs somutʰ
